The company's organizational chart is subordinated to our strategy and vision:
"To combine research and development activities in the field of natural and technical sciences and to integrate services focused on pharmacy, chemistry and toxicology."
Ing. Ľudovít Černák, PhD.
Ludovit is the chairman who perfectly meets the proverb of John Maxwell:
A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way and shows the way.
Mgr. Patrik Kušnír
is the Director of Toxicology in Sitno Pharma.
Key person in managment and marketing in InterBioTox.
20 years of experience in environmental, ecotoxicology, biodegradation, chemical legislation (REACH) and water legislation, working and coordinating activities in an ecotoxicological, toxicological and analytical laboratory in accordance with Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) and Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) requirements and EN ISO/IEC 17025 and EN ISO 9001 standards.
Another valuable experience was a long term position as a senior manager and support for key customers within GLP and GMP compliant biological/toxicological and analytical studies at hameln rds a.s. laboratories.
Prof. Ing. Pavol Rajniak, DrSc.,
Professor at the Institute of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Chemical and Food Technology, STU Bratislava, and part-time employee, Sitno Pharma s.r.o., Member of the Scientific Board of Omics4Health. Publications 43 / citations 617 / H-index 16
From 1998 to 2014, he worked in the scientific research and development laboratories of the top pharmaceutical company Merck & Co., Inc., Pennsylvania, USA.
He is the author of 42 currented publications with more than 700 citations.
In the summer of 2020, he was the first author to publish, together with colleagues from the USA and the United Kingdom, another important article on mathematical and experimental study and scale-up lyophilization in the world's leading magazine Drying Technology: Pavol Rajniak, Joao Moreira, Stelios Tsinontides, David Pham & Sean Bermingham ( 2020):
Integrated use of mechanistic models and targeted experiments for development, scale-up and optimization of lyophilization cycles: A single vial approach for primary drying, Drying Technology, DOI: 10.1080/07373937.2020.1791901
Prof. RNDr. Soňa Fraňova, PhD.
Profesorka farmakológie a vedúca Ústavu farmakológie Jesseniovej lekárskej fakulty v Martine Univerzity Komenského v Bratislave.
Vedecké práce v impaktových časopisoch 44/citácie 757/H index 15.
Od roku 2008 pôsobí ako prezidentka Slovenskej farmakologickej spoločnosti SLS.
Špecializuje sa na farmakológiu chronických zápalových a fibrotizujúcich ochorení respiračného systému v experimentálnych podmienkach. Zároveň je vedúcou Laboratória SLP štúdií JLF UK v Martine zameraného na toxikologické štúdie.
Since 2018, he has been cooperating with Sitno Pharma on the preparation and implementation of projects from grant schemes in the Slovak Republic.
Ing. Vladimír Žvak, PhD.
Project manager in Sitno Pharma s.r.o.
Founder, entrepreneur and executive director in company TAU-CHEM, Ltd.
Founding member of the Omics4Health cluster.
Chairman of the Board of the Association of Legal Entities Omics4Health.
Today, is responsible for Project Management Activities within Sitno Pharma.
Mgr. Martin Huraj
riaditeľ CNS EuroGrants, Ltd.
CNS EuroGrants s.r.o. poskytuje poradenské a konzultačné služby v oblasti čerpania nenávratnej finančnej pomoci pre oblasť súkromného aj verejného sektora. Venuje sa kompletnému servisu od návrhu riešenia a koncepcie projektového zámeru až po celý proces implementácie projektu. Je jednou z mála spoločností, ktorá má okrem procesného riadenia ISO 9001 zavedený a certifikovaný aj protikorupčný manažérsky systém ISO 37001.
Since 2018, he has been cooperating with Sitno Pharma on the preparation and implementation of projects from grant schemes in the Slovak Republic.